Socks Knitting
Our company is equipped with the latest technology electronic socks machines and has a wide production range. During production, our quality control personel inspects the products and faulty production is prevented.
Toe Closing
Toe closures of our socks are performed with the latest model Toe sewing machines and comfortable quality is provided.
Yarn Warehouse
In our yarn warehouse, many yarn types are stored in separate sections and used in every stage of production.
The ironing of the socks are made with the latest technology steam ironing machines.
Quality Control
All socks produced are controlled by our quality control team at every stage of production from design to packaging.
By following the fashion and trends closely, pattern studies are performed by experienced and qualified designers in a combination of appropriate models and colors and presented to the customer.
In the washing department, we use the latest technology machines. Pre-washing can be applied to the socks produced according to the demands of the customers. Our chemicals used during washing are completely silicone based chemicals and do not harm people or the environment.